The congregation of the Carmelite Religious (earlier known as the Third order Apostolic of Our Lady of Mount Carmel) was founded by Venerable Mother Veronica of the passion on July 16, 1868, in France. Mother Veronica (nee Sophie Leaves) was born on October 1, 1823 in Constantinople of English Anglican Parents.

Mother Veronica (nee Sophie Leaves) was born on October 1, 1823 in Constantinople of English Anglican Parents. The atmosphere of love in her home culminated in her outstanding love for God which was expressed in her tendency to serve the helpless, the afflicted and the sick. She received a liberal education in this happy, religious and cultured atmosphere. Thus we have in mother Veronica, a highly accomplished woman of strong faith, fluent in Greek, French, German, her native English and several other languages. She came to India as a Sister of St. Joseph of Apparition. She concentrated on the poor and the needy along the Malabar Coast.

Her strong desire for a life of contemplation led her to opt for the Cloistered Carmel of Pau. Prior to her entry into Carmel she trained young Sisters at Bayonne, France to work in India. She was a great visionary and she braved many hardships to fulfill her dreams. Her first batch of Sisters arrived at Mangalore in 1870. It was from here that the Carmelites gradually spread to the Malabar Coast. In 1880, the Holy Angels Convent was started at Trivandrum, Kerala. From here the Congregation has spread to most of the states and abroad. She passed into glory on November 16, 1906.

Following the footsteps of Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ and our foundress Mother Veronica, we her daughters, seek to enkindle the fire of Divine love in the hearts of all God’s children. Through education and other works of mercy, we seek to promote the Kingdom Values of Justice, Fellowship and Freedom, thereby bringing harmony in society, especially to the target group of the locality. Our main Apostolate is education and charity in the Missions which is carried out by establishing Schools, Boarding Houses, Hostels and Orphanages for Indian girls of every race and creed.


To provide each student a comprehensive education in a safe, supportive environment, to promote sound values, self-discipline, motivation and excellence in learning, thereby empowering the student to be responsible and compassionate.

Mission Image


Impart education through a stimulating environment that provides the impetus for growth and results in well-formed minds.